POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : [doc] adapting a paragraph in 6.4.2 (orthographic camera) : [doc] adapting a paragraph in 6.4.2 (orthographic camera) Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:22:05 EDT (-0400)
  [doc] adapting a paragraph in 6.4.2 (orthographic camera)  
From: Herman Serras
Date: 15 Jan 2002 11:49:32
Message: <3C445DAB.688AEA43@pandora.be>
I suppose in 3.5 beta 10 there's a change concerning the syntaxis for
using different types of cameras.

Paragraph 6.4.2. of the docs starts with:

The following list explains the different projection types that can be
used with the camera. The most common types are the perspective and
orthographic projections. In
general the CAMERA_TYPE should be the first item in a camera statement.
If none is specified, the perspective camera is the default.

But further we can read:

If you add the orthographic keyword after all other parameters of a
perspective camera you'll get an orthographic view with the same image

So to obtain an orthographic view in beta 10 one has to change the place
of the word "orthographic".

Herman Serras
Gent (Belgium)

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